Tuesday, August 14, 2012

We are revamping commenting

Twinsdad 4 days ago
It’s been five years since we rolled out commenting on MarketWatch. We’re now looking to enhance the experience.

On Aug. 16, we’ll be shutting down our current commenting system, replacing it soon after with a new easy-to-use, real-time platform.

During the transition, comments will go on a brief hiatus; you will not be able to post or read comments on the site.

New features to come

What will be new in our upgraded commenting system? Here are some of the highlights:

•Faster commenting! You’ll be able to see your comments and those of others posted in real-time.

•You’ll also have visibility into how many people are “listening” to your comments when you publish a post.

•To give you a 360-degree view into a discussion, we will pull in comments from across Twitter and Facebook that are about our stories. In other words, you won’t have to go anywhere else to follow the full conversation.

•We also plan to make our commenting platform inherently more social, allowing you to share your comments across the Web, or invite your friends and colleagues to join in.

What’s going away

As part of these changes, anonymous usernames will be going away in favor of real names. Moving forward, we’ll be requiring all MarketWatch users to provide their first and last names before sharing a comment on the site. Feel free to update your profile now or read our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service .

MarketWatch Community will also be going away on Aug. 16, including Groups, Points, and Stock Picks. Some of these features may return later, but they will not be a part of the new platform at launch.

What stays

You’ll still be able to access and manage your user profile at “My MarketWatch.” And for those of you who are active on Virtual Stock Exchange — rest assured, it isn’t going anywhere.

Our Commenting Guidelines will also remain unchanged. Please refer to them as you post comments on the site or want to flag any inappropriate posts for our editors.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding these changes, please contact us . We’re eager to hear from you and hope you enjoy our new commenting system. Coming soon!













Twinsdad 4 days ago

+4 Votes
In case you folks missed this little tidbit....

"MarketWatch Community will also be going away on Aug. 16, including Groups, Points, and Stock Picks. Some of these features may return later, but they will not be a part of the new platform at launch.

MarketWatch Community will also be going away on Aug. 16, including Groups, Points, and Stock Picks. Some of these features may return later, but they will not be a part of the new platform at launch.

ussnj 4 days ago

+7 Votes
This is great news. I will be able to return as myself. I started out that way here and for four years it was great. I look forward to this return to the "old"marketwatch.

I have been here since 2004 when the only blog/forum going was the Sirius group. It had a ton of members and then trolls moved in to mess that up. By using our names, no trolls, no clones, no attacks. I can live with that. It will get rid of some nasty people here.

Maybe some of the great old posters will return. I think the site was dying and it had become a clique anyway. Survival depends on a new format and MW knew that.

Twinsdad 4 days ago

+7 Votes
There are no groups or community, did you read that part?

teri 4 days ago

+13 Votes
That's very funny that you mention trolls and clones, jersey.
You are among the worst offenders.

BTW what's keeping you from returning as yourself now?
We all just think jersey anyway when we see one of your clones posting.

Ornithopters 4 days ago

+8 Votes
Well that is sad. I have been a MW member since 2001, and started posting actively in about 2007. I use it as a diversion.

Though it has been trying at times. I actually appreciate the debate and all the comments from left and right. Yeah, I reading your posts snarking despite what you might think about me ;-)

ussnj 4 days ago

+5 Votes
teri, you need to read some of the garbage that your "crew" threw up here. You got what you deserved. I will enjoy taking you on head to head now. No more "laughingatobama" to rip us anymore. I will enjoy the new format posting as myself. I post on the wall street journal as myself and it works much better. No wild accusastions or you just get laughed off of the site.

As you must know, I could not post as myself. I had every post I put up fragged by you or your friends. I enjoyed changing the way the game was played and it was fun.

I will say this: I don't think too many on the right here will be able to post under their real names. Most are cowards.

teri 4 days ago

+7 Votes
My frags went to byrd's --and occaisionally Rd's--hate filled insults. I can't recall ever fragging a jersey remark or a jersey clone remark. They were too unsubstantial to worry about.

You have plenty of posts up now, don't you? Nobody seems to be fragging them. If it was me why would I have so suddenly stopped?

In fact you have 120,369 points and 535 points on removed posts. At 5 points a piece you have lost 107 posts out of your total 22,146 posts.
Not exactly being shut down are you?

f you really thought it was me you could have monitored my RA points and seen when I used the RA---which is: not in a long time.
No, you are making more unsubstantiated claims.

teri 4 days ago

+6 Votes
To borrow your phrase: You are the coward.
You have chosen over and over to use clones to make yourself more important and to make sure your opinion is repeated endlessly.
And to RA your opponents with the unfair advantage of multiple RA clone power.

A total abuse of the TOS around here. Clones are one of the biggest problems here and really helped bring down this format.

One voice one poster wasn't good enough for you because you were afraid no one would listen to you.

ussnj 4 days ago

+3 Votes
Twins, I understand EXACTLY how the new format works. I subscribe to the WSJ and the same format already exists there. I look forward to rational posts on good topics. I don't think too many people here on the right will like having to prove their point of view or their intelligence. The site should be more about the markets too, rather than attacking Barack Obama 24/7.

LiveStrongest 4 days ago

+9 Votes
Seriously ussnj?

It's just the Opposite. Show me one time when stndyogrnd every argued for or against anything on this board. All his posts contained was name calling.

We righties are VERY good at making our statements and backing them up with links.

Ornithopters 4 days ago

+5 Votes
Carol once suggested moving us over to Blogspot or something like that. This might be a good opportunity.



Twinsdad 4 days ago

+8 Votes
I have a blogspot account and I am a member of I was Taken, Montec is a Mod on that site.

montec 4 days ago

+5 Votes
Thanks for the plug.

Rojayalso 4 days ago

+5 Votes
Most likely will see you at both.

ussnj 4 days ago

+4 Votes
Livestrongest, you rarely have a link to back up your trash here. When you do, it is from some rightwing radical site that posts anything to create hate. I hope you stick around and learn to investigate issues rather than try to start rumors that have no validity. I will be here and actually, this should be even more fun with the new format. Good luck.

LiveStrongest 3 days ago

+4 Votes

I use links here more than ANYONE!

ussnj 4 days ago

+4 Votes
Ornithopters? Afraid to post as yourself?

Ornithopters 4 days ago

+4 Votes
My name is now as nice as Jersey.

No I post as myself on WSJ every so often. The only topics I am a bit afraid to post about with my own name are those pondering Muslim terrorism. I really don't want to be stalked for saying can't they all just get along.

But for regular political stuff no issue.

Carol 4 days ago

+2 Votes
Yep, blogspot is great-------------Thanks, orni

Ornithopters 4 days ago

+3 Votes
Well are you going to / or do you have a blogspot set up for us? Maybe I'll try to set something up this weekend.

sk6actual 4 days ago

+10 Votes
Was first on MW in 1997, sadly, MW was never so rancorous until the Great Ascendency.

InnzandOutz 3 days ago

+4 Votes
You are referring to The Ascension, non?

ussnj 4 days ago

+4 Votes
The thing that I will get a charge out of is all the righties here who will have to tone down their BS. Since the WSJ runs this site, inflamatory remarks will not be tolerated and many right leaners here don't know how to deal with the facts. Livestrongest is one of them. Rarely a link to back up his crying and then the trolls of the right constantly trying to shout down anyone who isn't a radical righty. sk6 comes to mind, along with thirty or forty avatars that degraded Obama. No more avatars folks. You are who you are now.

Carol 4 days ago

+3 Votes
I have always been just me, I use my name and I say my say----------all me, I never felt the need to hide

TheScott 2 days ago

+3 Votes
Don't believe it is about hiding Carol.... It is about privacy and my ability it interact with other in a way that does not jeopardize my life, friends or family. The world is full of nut jobs and to connect all of my comments here with facebook allows for people the knowledge of accumulated discussions about where me, my family, our interests, aspects of our finances, down to what kind of car I own. Add to that, a real name and anyone can walk up to my door with much more knowledge than an unknown individual should have. Some would say that if you feel that way then you shouldn't be posting at all but anonymous discussions, barring the clones and deeply hateful remarks can be a good way of learning and exploring new ideas and challenging preconceived notions. I received debt inquiries for over 10 years because of my ex... that ended only because I moved to the UK thus cutting ties with known banks and utilities... I don't need or deserve the grief... ---> less

TheScott 2 days ago

+3 Votes
Take for instance this post.. two bits of information .. an Ex and I moved to the UK... Put all of my cumulative comments together and you know a lot about me... add a name and I no longer have any privacy... The up side is that if this system mirrors facebook then you are now allowed some 60000 characters to divulge every little detail of your life in a single message.... :-(

ROJODEE 4 days ago

+4 Votes
Any who care to email me feel free ...rwallace@mesquitefuels.com ......I try to stay in touch

InnzandOutz 4 days ago

+4 Votes
Thank you. I will be in touch. My home email will be provided.

ussnj 4 days ago

+5 Votes
See ya!

montec 4 days ago

+4 Votes
Well those that can, are more then welcome to PM me about a site that you can do the same on, get some discussion going. Always looking for writers and coments

InnzandOutz 4 days ago

+4 Votes
might just do that. thks

InnzandOutz 3 days ago

+4 Votes
There was a time when I saw you as simply misinformed. But after four years of national _hell and economic destruction, I see you for what you are. A paid supporter of Obama destruction ...an enabler ... a traitor to this nation.

Rumpled 3 days ago

+1 Vote
Folks with nothing better to do with their spare time than manufacture clones have too much spare time.

I do appreciate that I've stumbled upon a few very good and non-simplistic minds here.

What ever happened to Rollingdude, Mitch, Rojodee and so many others such as popular but notorious fragger Heaves?

Let it not be said that Rumpled. F. Skins never cautioned against 'bump on a log' BullEeef as the BeeEss is pumped to ya ... keep thy sieve handy and keep in mind that what we know is always exceeded by what we don't know and thy masters ain't gonna tell ya / put on MSM's stage either.

The Maine was blown from the INSIDE -- we grabbed the Philippine harbor FIRST and QUICK.

Adios Amigos.

teri 2 days ago

+3 Votes
What are you talking about Rumpled?
Rojodee is posting right above here.

RD became porkydapig/captainamerica/stndyogrnd.

DHD is missing in action and has deleted his account although he may have been spotted driving erratically in real life. Suspiscion mounts that he was posting under a new avatar.

Mitch I never heard of.

MarketWatch-Admin 1 day ago

+1 Vote
We’ve received many requests for clarification on the new commenting system.

First, we decided to move to real-name registration in an attempt to bring civility into the forum. We do believe that behavior changes when the commenter is aware that friends and loved ones might read their posts. While it may not be ideal for all users, it is a move that many sites have taken in order to minimize some of the hostile and vulgar comments that sometimes mar discourse among our readers.

Readers may have noticed that we’ve been using Facebook sign-in for our blogs for some time. The real-name experience with blogs yielded considerably more on-topic and meaningful comments. And while it’s true this sometimes may yield fewer ... ... more

MarketWatch-Admin 1 day ago

+1 Vote
Perhaps because of the blogs, some folks think that we’re going to require Facebook log-in for the site. This isn't the case. We’re requesting real names through MarketWatch registration. Facebook and Twitter are options, not requirements. Readers can share their posts with other social media. Likewise, since our stories are discussed in other social media, commenters from those sites will have the option of sharing their posts with readers on the original MarketWatch story.

If you have any questions, please reply to this string and I will try to respond.

dollarinflation 22 hours ago

Sounds good Twins,

Where and how does one sign up?


snarking.slug 22 hours ago

+1 Vote
All this freedom is too much for MW.

I, for one, wold like to apologize to Roger Ailes and Mr. Murdoch for subverting the right wing daily messaging as often as possible. I'd like to see NewsCorp do the same to FoxNews as their doing to this and they're other groups. I've never encountered a more hateful organization than FoxNews. They are the death of free journalism and responsible news consumption. My condolences to those of you who do read/watch their unAmerican drivel.

Twinsdad 20 hours ago

Try going to this site I created to keep AmPol alive..


I am learning the ropes but I think you can post topics and make comments just like here, except no moderators of course.

AnalogAnomaly 20 hours ago

About time.

The collective maturity level around here is somewhere between fourth and fifth grade.
Behaving like this in public should at least bear the price of having it pinned to your real identity.

Twinsdad 20 hours ago

Try going to this site I created to keep AmPol alive..


I am learning the ropes but I think you can post topics and make comments just like here, except no moderators of course.

Wertvoll 20 hours ago

Is using our real names going to prevent some posters form being deleted? I do not think so. WM has had to move to this new forum so to draw more posters, their type of posters. No one was more immature than moderators hiding behind the scenes and deleting posters that they did not agree with. Look at the topics if you want to take away marks for civility - It reads like a grade school playground. That is because topics are pulled if they are not within a certain political pool. Too many good posters have left or been driven off by MW's tone of political correctness gone so wrong. To all MW, I wish you pink-slips and bankruptcy you have earned it......

Pterosaur 20 hours ago

+1 Vote
"We," indeed.

Everyone should have known you were one of the stinking "moderators" on this god-forsaken site.

Smug right wing S O B.

teri 18 hours ago

+1 Vote
Way to misinterpret, Ptero.

You have a severe reading comprehension problem if you can't tell that Wertvoll is complaining ABOUT immature moderators who delete ALL of certain poster's comments just because they don't suit the moderator's personal opinion.

BTW dear deluded ptero--those posters who have EVERY comment wiped out are very often right wing. The moderators doing the wiping are not right wing by any means.

soccermon 17 hours ago

Who would want to engage a gun totting right winger with your real name?

NO thanks!

But maybe that is why this is going to be changed, to scare away the promoters of sedition.

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