Wednesday, August 8, 2012



Most every writer here cares....cares first and foremost about this country.....I lost a friend several days hits hard....regardless of how some of us joust around here, it is clearly obvious that most of us care and the real battle is more desperation for unity in giving than desperation in's easy to get wrapped up in what seems like hate when politics is involved....for that I am guilty too often and so are many of us...but when someone leaves us...leaves this life and leaves us behind, what is really left behind and what wisdom was shared by that person that we should embrace?.....what is left behind is what we choose to share between each other....if not for differences, there would be no existence....diversity is the greatest gift this planet has to offer and that is exactly what we are not embracing correctly around here between this family of writers that share in this Group....most of us know each other on some kind of personal level....and it is fun to take shots at one another when hitting hard with political views....often, it is a compliment to rile someone up or to be put down even.....when that dust clears, there is still the person that is your fellow citizen and more importantly, your fellow friend in need....we all need...we need differnt things but we need and we all know what "taken" means to us as well....I took a shot at Unions to inspire some well meaning emotion because I care and was treated in return with utmost respect...we had a common friend that we is time for me to apologize for not doing better with that post....I meant well but came off wrong and know it in his straightens me out and also proves to us all that we are approaching our unity incorrectly back here.....we buy into what our politicians ignite between us....there is nothing wrong at all with any of us beleiving what we do one ideology is correct....none of us will ever have this country or our political system run the way we personally believe it should but what each of us back here should be doing is writing with a positive effort between each other even where we may disagree.....our effort to reach out and ask instead of demand someone see things our way should be the approach out of respect to each other....threads that instigate could be toned down or instigated with an understanding that opposing views can be decently debated and move on....I apologize to each and every writer back here for engaging in less than the utmost repect for your difference in opinion and allowing weakness to victor what some filthy politician loves to see or some hateful writer amongst us wants to push.....people that use some of the language or hate tripe back here that is getting MW involved in fragging posts and threads need to be run out of here by the rest of us.....clones need to be run out by any of us not engaging in such devious stunts.....decent debate will bring about the best we have to offer and I'd much rather be at odds in opinion with the ability to feel good at saying good morning to my "opponent" each morning and say a respectful good night at the end of tossing around our call to each and every writer here and hopefully to many that left but may return is to please stake your flag in the ground and reach for unity in discussion...for unity in each other and respect to disagree and get just get the most out of the ideas we offer back here....otherwise, it's not worth the effort to just arrive here day in and day out for ugliness and those that do should be chased off period.....some of my best opponents are also some of the best people society has to's great to middle exists without that....who's in?


























louman 1 day ago

+17 Votes
Excellent piece Dan.

I am tired of the name calling the unfounded demands, statements. Unless the place changes the Independents like myself will move on. The fragging has to stop as we all have a right to our opinion and a right to post that opinion. Sorry about the loss of your friend.

You will not get many takers as they like battering each other. Must be into pain.

Cougardan 1 day ago

+16 Votes
I hope this time is different are amongst the positive around here.

theprofessor 1 day ago

+16 Votes
Thanks Dan. I had just about quit posting here because of the very excesses you note. I am with you 100%.

Cougardan 1 day ago

+15 Votes
Thanks best stick around.....good people back here....we will rise above it all.

StormCloudBrewing 18 hours ago

+7 Votes
Prof - I have always appreciated your efforts in finding the unbiased facts on many of the emotional topics we discuss here. I can' help but believe that I am not the only one that appreciates your writings here.

WheelofFate 13 hours ago

+1 Vote
Cougardan, good to see that you realize how nasty you have been and finally feel a little remorse for that nastiness. Hope you can use this post as a road sign of where you are going, but we shall see.

Cougardan 5 hours ago

+4 Votes
Actually Jersey.....this is your chance to change the road you travel with the clones and baiting rhetoric and stand up and be a decent poster around here......I need no longer appear nasty pointing out what you speaks for itself and I will not stain the passing of a good person that walked this earth accepting your fraudulent ways.....what I do realize is you have a mirror to look into....I did and it is amazing what one sees and my mirror is being polished as I wake each day......good luck on your journey.

montec 1 day ago

+14 Votes
I rarely post due to the hatred that some post and flagging. Hence why many of you I have invited to a different forum @ some point to get the great posters where they wouldn't have to worry about censors and the such.

I still come here and look and read as well as thumbs up those that I have in my friends list and those that have shown great respect to me and I have shown back that same respect.

Cougardan 18 hours ago

+6 Votes
You are as good as they come sir.....there is no "disrespect" in your vocabulary.....maybe the words "class act"

montec 18 hours ago

+7 Votes
I've used to be known to throw down back in the day, but many of them posts are gone as the original post was removed and/or thread removed.

Cougardan 18 hours ago

+6 Votes
You threw strikes sir!.....the threads or posts may be gone but not the memories......we do need to get most everyone signed onto your other site......just an excellent debate forum.

montec 17 hours ago

+5 Votes
Not mine, but I'm heading it up now. Know the owner real well. I help out on his sites as needed.

Odd its slow @ this time of year with all the politics going on.

So if you all join or who ever does, basically you have to deal with me if you step out of line. LOL

eBud 1 day ago

+12 Votes
Good piece Dan, you've got the gift. But you know you're preaching to the choir, right?

Cougardan 18 hours ago

+5 Votes
Bud...thanks as well.....still a good choir in the pack back here.....that's the one worth reaching out to.....just glad to see your face in that pack!

JimboSC 1 day ago

+12 Votes
Great thread, Dan. Goodwill is the best we can give and hope for from others.

Cougardan 18 hours ago

+9 Votes true....goodwill is easier than hate sir!

InnzandOutz 1 day ago

+12 Votes
A good effort Dan. Sorry to hear of your loss. Your post makes good sense. But since so many of the identities on AmPol are clones of one member, your influence will likely not be felt.

Wize1Fla 1 day ago

+11 Votes
I,too, almost every day follow this group but have been very hesitant about voicing any opinion other than' Hooray Republican Go Go Go' for to do so almost always results in being labeled a clone or getting such comments cancelled. I see many faults with both the Republican and Democratic parties and disagree with some of the platforms each party believes in, I am a committed Independent and feel both parties could compromise on positions for the good of all people here in America. And for the record, I also lost a friend recently who felt the same way. Right on Cougardan.

StormCloudBrewing 18 hours ago

+6 Votes
Come on and join the fray...there is a lot of barking, but it's hard to get bitten through the internet.

sk6actual 1 day ago

+8 Votes

Cougardan 18 hours ago

+7 Votes
You have the backs of every American out there....let anyone disagree with you all they got em covered all the same......hope when I am gone one day many say the same about me.

MaasaiKhan 1 day ago

+10 Votes
Some people on here are doing a job. Paid to work against X and get Y elected. They can't stop or so does the paycheck.
I'm not, so I'm with you. Viva la difference.

Cougardan 18 hours ago

+6 Votes
Thanks tell is straight and with some of the most respect these boards have ever seen.....I will catch up to some of your foot steps there one day.

Cougardan 18 hours ago

+6 Votes
Thanks tell is straight and with some of the most respect these boards have ever seen.....I will catch up to some of your foot steps there one day.

pfunky2222 22 hours ago

+12 Votes
Really nice thread, dan. I'm in.

Cougardan 18 hours ago

+8 Votes
Thanks's worth the effort to get us all going again in the right never veered.

BlankSlate 20 hours ago

+3 Votes

Cougardan 18 hours ago

+5 Votes
Blank, I can't say you ever treated any post of mine poorly that you disagreed with .....but you give a darn...I listen

InnzandOutz 20 hours ago

+8 Votes
Few if any of us know any other poster well enough to warrant ill will towards them as individuals. However, we can certainly form opinions and express same regarding position. If we focus upon ideas and not personalities, postings will be civil.

Cougardan 18 hours ago

+7 Votes
Indeed Innz.....the ideas is what it should be all about....I wish I had stated that in my opening....hat tip

Maxyasgur 20 hours ago

+10 Votes
Be the change you want to see is what comes to mind for me. Many of us have had discussions here off thread and the tone is immensely different, but that's typically how things go when you remember there is a live person receiving your post. Every time I go to work and see people spending their final days with a loved one, I feel the emotion that I believe you felt CD when you wrote this. It would seem ideal if everyone stopped for a second and touched that emotion before they posted. Everyone has felt and will again feel what moved you to write this Dan, but I tend to believe that most will also strive to move away from that emotion as quick as possible lest they feel weak.

Sorry for the loss of your friend, and may we all be fortunate enough to have a friend like you who is moved enough by our passing to encourage others to be kinder.


Cougardan 18 hours ago

+7 Votes
"It would seem ideal if everyone stopped for a second and touched that emotion before they posted."

....beautifully stated.....correct you are about off thread....most writers here are truly exceptional people and the jousting around here can actually be quite fun....the class you joust with never has anyone wanting to leave the place brings us make it fun to disagree.....and you would have our back on a battle field....thanks!

Maxyasgur 16 hours ago

+7 Votes
Thanks. Most of us, myself included, take ourselves way too seriously. We could all use some deflating once in awhile

StormCloudBrewing 18 hours ago

+6 Votes
Very nice post Max.

Cougardan 5 hours ago

+3 Votes
Stand up Max.....truly stand up.

montec 18 hours ago

+5 Votes
I've talked with many in PM's and I have talked to a few Via Phone, some via social media/email.

I remember 2008 and such with the marchforliberty people I was working with very closely on the cause. Wolf366, among others.

Anyone here remember Angie?

AbbyNormal 15 hours ago

+3 Votes
8mileshi remembers Angie and Wolf...those were the dayz ' )

montec 7 hours ago

+3 Votes
Angie's on another site. See above.

StormCloudBrewing 18 hours ago

+6 Votes
I'm with you Dan. I don't mind people disagreeing with me or even getting to the point of spirited arguments on certain topics. I'll have to admit that I got down and dirty with a pack of clones at one time. Hopefully, I didn't give you guys the impression that I was belligerent.

Cougardan 18 hours ago

+6 Votes
No way on any belligerent impression there may be the one poster around here that invites a disagreement better than anyone and gets perfection out of the conversation......a real talent that everyone here can see....I owe you all kinds of hat tips....thank you for the support.....the team of decency grows!!

rick0427 10 hours ago

+4 Votes
Dan of course I am in and always have been in on sensible, discussion. I too have slung some dirt but I have always tried to save that for defense when the very thing happens to me.

Cougardan 5 hours ago

+4 Votes
Don't worry about the slung dirt Rick...some of that is part of the are in and that is what it's all about.....and I thank you sir!

ROJODEE 16 hours ago

+13 Votes
Dan...outstanding sir!....and all on this thread ...a huge kudos from my corner of this orb we inhabit....

teri 6 hours ago

+8 Votes
I'm in.
Thanks for your call to action, Dan, and your reminder that to be productive such action must be balanced. It really would be great to be able to discuss issues around here without having to also delve into various personalities.

Every poster who resorts to knee jerk, partisan and repetitive responses needs to examine his/her motives. What are you REALLY trying to prove? That you have nothing substantial to add to the debate.? Relax--that's been proved. Let's move on.

Every poster whose main post content revolves around calling his/her opponents names rather than suggesting ideas needs to examine their motives. What does this add after the millionth time you post the same insulting name calling ?

Every poster whose typical contribution is an intentionally inflammatory opinion for which he/she produces NO supporting data needs to examine their real motives. Are you trying to inform other people? I think not. You're trying to mindlessly inflame emotions.

Cougardan 5 hours ago

+6 Votes
Teri!! flaming of the emotions it is ......decency is easy....thank you as always.

teri 6 hours ago

+7 Votes
We have a great opportunity to have an open and free ranging debate here. We need to stop sabotaging that opportunity and act as the adults we allegedly are.

The use of clones to frag other people's posts is obnoxious in the extreme. The use of clones to augment your own opinion and make it seem more widespread through repetition is obnoxious in the extreme. We have some posters here who do both these actions daily. Just who do you think you are kidding? Grow Up! This is childish.

While it is imperative that each of us remain civil and adult in our posting, the fact that some posters are allowed NO voice at all is troubling. Some posters lose ALL their posts daily. It seems unlikely that each and every post broke the TOS. Why would this be happening? less

AbbyNormal 16 hours ago

+9 Votes
IN. (practice'll make good enuff ' )

Kindness isn’t optional.

Kurt Vonnegut famously said, “There’s only one rule that I know of… you’ve got to be kind.” Why do some people just “get” this while others find being kind a chore? Personally, I think it has a lot to do with our need to feel right, and an attendant unwillingness to consider that maybe we really aren’t right, and it’s not worth treating another person unkindly to prove whatever point is on the table. ***Besides that, being unkind is illogical because it only incites unkindness aimed at you, and who wants that?***
/>What a fantastic weave DanYou-The-Man! less

Cougardan 5 hours ago

+6 Votes have already said it best :)

dollarinflation 4 hours ago

+5 Votes
I love Vonnegut, but Vonnegut said a lot of things,,,,,

""I myself feel that our country, for whose Constitution I fought in a just war, might as well have been invaded by Martians and body snatchers. Sometimes I wish it had been. What has happened, though, is that it has been taken over by means of the sleaziest, low-comedy, Keystone Cops-style coup d’etat imaginable. And those now in charge of the federal government are upper-crust C-students who know no history or geography, plus not-so-closeted white supremacists, aka 'Christians,' and plus, most frighteningly, psychopathic personalities, or 'PPs.'"

Equating white supremacists to Christians,,,well,,,,let's just say that Vonnegut said a lot of different things,,,, less

Cougardan 1 hour ago

+1 Vote are one person on a battlefield that I know has the back of your fellow American.

peartree 13 hours ago

+5 Votes
As I look back on my life, it's the kindnesses that I remember most, not the mean things.

Cougardan 5 hours ago

+5 Votes
I agree...the older we get the more the kindness does stand out.....just what this is all about....thanks peartree!

soccermon 11 hours ago

+6 Votes
IN.... and I'm sorry for your loss.

Cougardan 5 hours ago

+6 Votes
Thanks it is....I appreciate your thoughts in a humble way.

stndyogrnd 6 hours ago

+1 Vote
Well this has all been very touching, but as we all know talk is cheap.
Who is the "truce" with.... since Maxy, sloggo and the Professor, and Pfunk and many others are always kind to everyone. So "truce" would imply that both sides are at fault, ... the subject of this post should be humble apology.
Me, I need no apology, or fake "kindness" used as a front to tell pathological lies and continue to push this country and humanity toward political ideological insanity caused destruction. How much blind ideologues believe in their destructive ideology is of little consequence. There were plenty of Nazi's that believed in their ideology with all their heart. That didn't make them good people or people worthy of respect or kindness, even when they feigned kindness and respect.less

stndyogrnd 6 hours ago

+1 Vote
Today's right wing ideology and its followers is just as sick twisted, fanatical, dishonest and destructive.
if they had the power of the Government behind them, they would be just a evil as the Nazi's were, or as tyrannically Islamic Fundamentalist are today. The difference is they don't because of America's rule of law, and constitution prevents that sort of abuse of power.
While the laws of the Constitution prevent those that gravitate to the right wing ideology from those same external expression of those personality types, subjectively the characters of these sort of ideological fanatics are identical. They share the same propensity to project their twisted delusions, out on the would, with the same blind arrogance and worship of power..... if there is any doubt, all one has to do is look at their spokesperson they regularly cheer on, the poser who pretends to be a fake wrestler. less

stndyogrnd 6 hours ago

+1 Vote
They and the owner of this thread, love and support the blind arrogance and repetition of the bigoted lies and delusions their ideology is based on, that this pathetic poster effortlessly spews here day after day. Then they have the hypocrisy to speak of "kindness" and a "truce".....
The fact is that the right wing character views "kindness" and compassion as a weakness, and they only call for it if they feel their back it to a wall..... there is no better example than the act put on by the real Rick Flair in the fake wrestling shows, where the "good" guy has Rick on the Ropes, and Rick will beg for mercy and as soon as the "good" guys back is turned old Rick will pounce on him....... this is not inaccurate as to the character of the right wing character. less

dollarinflation 4 hours ago

+5 Votes
"But at a time when our discourse has become so sharply polarized, at a time when we are far too eager to lay the blame for all that ails the world at the feet of those who happen to think differently than we do, it's important for us to pause for a moment and make sure that we're talking with each other in a way that -- that heals, not in a way that wounds. "

Barack Obama, Giffords speech

stndyogrnd 4 hours ago

+1 Vote
Yep thats why I like Obama..... but he is president, and should say and act that way.... and has........Its really cute how the Obama haters will try and turn his words against him, because someone like myself who supports him for President in a very limited political field ( which is not at all the same thing as viewing him as a messiah or "Dear Leader" or "King" or any other such nonsesnse), and calls out the people who hate him so much that they can rationalize telling endless lies about him as well as hypocritically hold Obama to a standard they never apply to any Republican. When the people here who profess to honor "honesty" and "kindness" can extend that philosophy to all aspect of their opinions.... they will have my respect despiste what they believe... untill then is all just a bunch of words..
If anyone needs a hint of what that looks like....follow the Professors posts...he doesn't like Obama but doesn't lower himself to lie about Obama's record to make his point

LiberalPatriot 3 hours ago

+5 Votes
RicFlair nailed you perfectly in another thread:

"Kenny baby, nobody has a better grasp on living, breathing, and obsessing over hate than you do pal!"

stndyogrnd 3 hours ago

+1 Vote
LOL nope RickFlair was talking about how he operates and expresses himself and than tries to project that hatred on others..... I have no patients for hypocrits and liars like Rick Flair, your defense of him put you in the same camp, of blind Obama haters as your avatar would indicate...... So thanks for playning but neither you or Rick are capable of serious honest political debate or adult discussion

dollarinflation 1 hour ago

+3 Votes
I revere the professor because we share a university experience. Bows and scrapes,,,

But how do you square Obama's comments on our sharp national discourse with his silence on absolutely despicable lies told by his supporters?

stndyogrnd 1 hour ago

I don't have to "square"anything because what Obama haters perceive is largely a projection of their own hate infused mind...... and has nothing what so ever to do with Obama's actual actions.

LiberalPatriot 1 hour ago

+1 Vote

My avatar was taken from MW's front page.

dollarinflation 49 minutes ago

I do not "hate" Obama.

I believe he is the catalyst for the coming third restoration of American ideology.


stndyogrnd 6 minutes ago

Yes Sane Rational people are well aware of the crippled dream of the 4 riech that is theTea bag ger fantasy... it will never happen, though that particular reincarnation of McCarthyistic ignorance could well temporaraly cripple America for a Generation of so....

tburcher 5 hours ago

+9 Votes
Quite frankly, the bashing and name calling is the primary reason I have stayed away. It occurs from all sides and I'm tired of it. Dambed Libs this, stupid neocons that. I'm personally offended by this, because it's hateful, spiteful and mean.

"Our prime purpose in life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them"

- Dalai Lama

Cougardan 5 hours ago

+11 Votes
That's the ticket Burch!....this one appearance was worth the thousands missed !!